Monday, November 14, 2011

Not much to report

Not much going on with us these days, same old same old. Kennedy did however get an award at school the other day and I got a couple really awful pictures of the event. She was an ultimate trailblazer. Her teacher nominated her and she was pretty excited about it. Mike got her some flowers and we were all able to go to the assembly. She is such a good little student, we are really proud of her.
I haven't taken many pics this pregnancy but here is shot of me one week shy of 7 months. I am huge and still have 3 months to go. Yikes! Still feel good. Finn is moving around like crazy and I am definitely hitting the uncomfortable stage of pregnancy. Sleep is a joke these days but otherwise we are doing great.


Peter Loosli said...

You look good.

k_laurelle said...

it's never doing great when sleep is a joke! at least not for me. which means... you are a rock star :)

Natasha said...

Look how cute you are pregnant! I love your outfit and you have such a cute little family :)