Monday, March 4, 2013


Kennedy is keeping busy as usual. She is in the gifted and talented program at her school in math and reading and seems to really like it.  She is reading a lot of fun books like The Little House On The Prairie series, which we both love.  She loves art at school and P.E.
She is now obsessed with sports bras, it is super funny.  Apparently all the girls her age are wearing them, in second grade!  She is done with competition season for gymnastics which means that she is only going to the gym twice a week. I am pretty thrilled about that since it means we will have her home more and get to do things as a family more.
She did really well in competition and now gets to move on to level 6.  She competed level 5 on her last 3 competitions.  She even got to go to Las Vegas with Mike for a competition.  Below is her bar routine.
Bar Routine

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