Monday, August 20, 2012

August in an nutshell

 We were thrilled when we found out that Kennedy got into the school we had hoped for. She is on permit there and it's about a 15 minute drive from our house but we are carpooling with our friend so it's not terrible and it's about 5 minutes from the gymnastics gym so it's in an area we are in a lot anyway.  We have missed all the adorable kids we were very attached to from Kindergarten and First Grade but Kennedy adjust really well and has already made a really good friend. We loved our old elementary but the middle school it feeds into is a bit sketchy so we decided to go elsewhere in case we are here long enough to go to middle school in this area.
 So she started school August 14th and so far she is really enjoying the new school. She's excited about all the 'specials' they have which include spanish.  The best part about it was during our tour when the lady told us about the gifted and talented program and that they don't start that until third grade and she is only in second grade. She kept asking about it during the tour, it was super funny. Needless to say the girl lacks a bit of humility. 
 These are our darling neighbors Macey and Elle. Kennedy is right between them in age and they live just up the street from us. Their parents are our good friends and we are thrilled they live close. We bought our homes in the neighborhood within a month or so of each other and the kids spent the summer going back and forth playing which was heavenly. 
 Finn is six months now and is super busy. He is sitting up now and can pretty much get anywhere even though he isn't actually crawling yet. He inch worms everywhere and rolls to get what he wants.  He is super happy to just play on the floor with his toys.

 He is always being smothered by one of us and I think he is just use to it at this point. I love the picture of Kennedy kissing him, such a little doll. He is the most enjoyable little baby!  It has really been a huge blessing because I'm two months along and sometimes don't feel amazing so to have a chill baby is great!

 Kennedy is as busy as ever with gymnastics and now with school there are three days a week that she is gone from 8 am to 8pm because her gym picks her up from school. It's pretty sad and it's hard to fit in her reading and homework but she continues to love it so we are sticking with it for now. Usually she reads to me on the way home from the gym in the car and then does homework in the morning before she leaves for school...ya know because gifted and talented kids can do that ;) kiddin.
 We put Kennedy in a jazz dance class on Wednesdays to help with her technique and Sophie is taking tap and ballet again and then a little music class right after. She will continue to do her gymnastics class on thursdays...which she calls nastics.  
 They have been fighting literally ALL summer long. I would imagine it's just not a grand idea to have two sassy redheads together all day long.  The funny thing is they would yell and scream and Sophie would say Kennedy was 'noxious' and 'bugging her' and 'hurting her feelings' and Ken would complain that Sophie was 'too close to her' or 'breathing on her' etc etc and then the minute I drop off Ken at school Sophie literally burst into the saddest tears you have ever seen. She asked about Kennedy all day and when Ken got home from gymnastics that night they hugged like they hadn't seen each other in years.  Go figure.

 I can't figure out how to flip the picture above but my brother Tyler and his wife Alex had a little baby boy Cooper. I'm so sad I can't go out to meet him but from the pictures I can tell he is a chunky adorable little bundle.
 Just a few more pics of our little fella moving around and playing.
 And I had to post this picture because I love it. Love her eyes and those little freckles..such a little doll with so much spunk. It's been fun to have time with just her while Ken is in school. She is so chatty and silly and is soaking up all the time with her Mom.  And with her little brother which she always says is "the cutiest boy in the whole wide world and she just can't stand it"
Mike and I are doing great and keeping busy. My new calling in the Relief Society presidency has kept me busy and I really enjoy it.  Our ward has a lot of need and opportunities to serve so it has been very humbling to me and enjoyable to get to know everyone.  Mike is working like crazy as usual. He has been about two hours away in Wyoming for a week at a time every other week most of the has been crazy and luckily it's over for a while.  

1 comment:

Woods: said...

Oh my gosh. I miss you guys. Finn's pictures are so cute. He's SO handsome, those eyes! Oh man. Still can't believe you're having another already! So excited for you guys though, so great. Loved this post.