Thursday, June 28, 2012


 Kennedy had a gymnastics competition up in a beautiful mountain town. She did a great job and we had fun as a family hanging out with all the other gymnastics families.  She took 4th on floor, 5th on bars and 5th on beam.  She also qualified overall for regionals.  We then drove to Utah to drop our kids off at my brother Peters house so they could watch the kids while we went on a trip.  He took these darling pics of my kids.  They were in heaven there with their cousins and aunts and uncles.
 This is Kennedy, their cousin Syd and Sophie.
We went on a trip with our good friends Shane and Jenna to San Francisco.  We go on a trip with them every year and switch years for trips with kids and no kids. This year it was without kids.
 We went to Muir Woods which is just across the Golden Gate Bridge and it was beautiful. Here Mike is kissing a banana slug, apparently it's good luck. Seriously that boy will do anything.

 Shane and Jenna and a beautiful view of the bridge.
 We also went a little south to Monterey, Santa Cruz and Carmel. 

 We saw wales, seals, sea lions and some beautiful birds.
 We went on some gorgeous hikes and found this darling little deer that just hung out with us and walked a bit ahead of us on our trail.

 We also toured an air craft carrier, went to a chocolate factory and walked around pebble beach golf course.  
 Here's a view going across the Golden Gate Bridge, it really is quite breathtaking.
 Mike was in absolute heaven at the Monterey aquarium and I was ready to fall asleep ;)
 This fella is the bush man. We were eating lunch right by him and watched him scare people on the street, it was absolutely hilarious. Gotta love all the interesting characters and street performers you find in a big city.  We had a great time but I sure missed my little baby and couldn't wait to kiss him like crazy. We are so glad we have our travel buds we always have so much fun with them no matter where we go.

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