Monday, March 4, 2013

Baby Trey

Towards the end of this pregnancy I was miserable. Really uncomfortable and in a fair amount of pain in my back.  So when Mike saw my doc at the hospital and he gave Mike his home phone number we were just too tempted to call in a favor. So on Monday the 18th of February we asked if I could come in and have my membranes stripped, my due date wasn't until the 26th.  I went in and was feeling like crap and he said things looked like they were moving along so he sent me to the hospital.  I was thrilled.  I started to contract and within two hours our little Trey was born. I only pushed for 15 minutes.  Trey was making a little singing sound, which can be an indication of some serious problems so he was sent to the NICU.  The above video is of him so I could later remember the sound he made.
The girls were taken to our friends the Richardsons and they were so excited that we were headed to the hospital to have another little brother.  I was stressed as they tested and checked out Trey but it turned out that he was fine, possibly just a little fluid in his lungs.  He stayed in the NICU the whole time we were there which turned out to be sort of nice because this hospital doesn't have a nursery.  I was able to sleep when I wanted and not have to worry about him. Then I  could go visit him when I had enough rest.  The nurses were so sweet and took great care of him and me.
Kennedy had to wait until late that night to meet him after she got home from gymnastics.  Sophie was thrilled  to meet and hold the little guy.  My parents came into town and got to see him in the NICU.
Finn Trey Voorhies was born on February 18th at 6:10.   He weighed 7lbs 9 oz and was 19 inches long.  He has huge hands and long narrow feet like the rest of our babies.  His hair is brown and he has long eyelashes like his Dad.

We are in love with the guy.

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